This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. 


A 18yrs old female student,  unmarried came with c/o 
Fever a/w chills since 15days
Pain abdomen since 15days
Excessive menstral bleeding

Pt was apparently asymptomatic 3 yrs back when she started her work in the feilds for the first time in 2017 when she was in 10th standard, she managed to go to fields for farming and planting in their paddy fields working 6hrs a day in feilds(10am-4pm) with a rest of 1 hour. Started observing bleeding through nose which started suddenly when she sneezed and with flow of blood she herself managed nose pinch for 3-5min where bleeding stops. Then she observed those episode aren't frequent, roughly around around 5-6 per year, with last episode 8 months back.
 1 yrs back,  H/o back pain since 1yr lasting for 6 days irrespective of her periods . (She can do her daily routine work )back radiating to front .
At the age of 16yrs, 16th in the month of March attained menarche, she elaborated that first 2-3cycles were regular with normal flow and duration, then she had infrequent cycles 2/months lasted for 7 days/cycle, high flow ,clots present ,not associated with dysmenorrhea changes 3pads/day till 7 days. 
In month of November in 2018, she got fever high grade associated with chills and rigors, then she admitted in hospital in minjalaguda, she was said to hb%-2gm, platelets-35,000, WBC-decreased and told to have typhoid fever  then 1PRBC  of blood transfusion is done and no other records are available. Her post transfusion hb was 4gm%,she denies any use of iron supplements/B12 injections at the time of discharge.
Pain in abdomen since 15 days , diffuse type not associated with nausea, vomiting and loose motions associated with feeling of incomplete defecation,tenesmus present.
H/o streaky blood in stools
H/o easy fatiguability palpitations,  SOB on exertion since 4 yrs. In year of 2016 ,had history of fever and icterus and took herbal medicine. 
No h/o DM, HTN,Asthama, TB,CAD.
Appetite decreased since 7 days due to fever
Mixed diet 
Adequate sleep
Regular bowel and bladder movements ,constipation occasionally monthly twice.
No addictions 

General Examination:
Patient is c/c/c. Well oriented to t/p/p
Moderately built and well nourished 
Pallor - present 
No icterus, clubbing, cynosis ,lymphedenopathy ,edema 
PR: 96bpm
RR: 20cpm
BP: 100/70mmhg
SpO²- 99% @ room air

Systemic examination:- 

P/A: scaphoid, tenderness in para-umbilical region.A ball like mass felt at left hypochondrium region.





Peripheral smear:

Chest x ray

                     Ultrasound abdomen :


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