k/c/o hypothyroidism

61 year man farmer by occupation came with c/of abdominal discomfort after intake of food since 25 yrs frequency of stools 4-5days /day which are watery in consistency not ass with pain abd ,incomplete defecation,mucous or blood in stools 
pt explains his abdominal discomfort as whenevr  he takes food he feels bloating (gas in the stomach) which is ass with flatus 
Not ass with burning sensation in the stomach or chest,Nausea nd vomiting.
pt explained that he feels releived from bloating whenevr he takes food in regular intervals of time nd by good intake of water
pt was abberantly asyptomatic till his age of 24 then he noticed abdominal discomfort whenevr he takes food in iregular interval of time ,so he went to loacl doctor .Initially he diagnosed as gastric ulcer nd given medication .pt didnt felt releived evn after 2-3 months,he used to had on nd off symptoms .
30yrs back  he fell into river as he doesnt know swiming nd he got sinked ,swalloed full of river water ,he was rescued by his co fellows nd taken him to the local hsptl ,pt was in state of unconsiousness for 72 hrs(records are not available).After few days he got fever which lasted for 2 months,highgrade,intermitent type ass with chills nd rigors ,Ass with loss of apetite,hairloss nd not ass with cold cough,headcahe,pain abd ,nausea,vomiting nd  malena
3 yrs back he went to opthalmologist with c/o unable to see far objects ,for which he was prescribed glases for short-sightedness 
7 months back pt sudenly developed redness ,iritation,watering from both eyes then he went to opthalmologist then he was ordered to do thyroid profile nd rbs then his tsh was 6.4 nd kept pt on thyronorm (12.5microgram)
he was diagnosed as inflamatory keratitis nd treated accordingly 
since 6 months pt experienced sob on exertion not ass with chestpain ,palpitations ,giddiness,sweating,pnd nd orthopnoea ,pedal oedema,decreased urine output,facial puffyness nd abdominal distension
Not a k/c/o htn ,dm,cva ,tb ,epilepsy,CAD
CHRONIC SMOKER since 40 years(5-6/day )nd he stoped 2. years back
Tobacco chewing (pan parak) since 40 yrs 2 per day
Not an Alcoholic


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